The Hestia Project
A BIMSI program for prefabricated low-income housing.
About The Hestia Project
Hestia, the Greek Goddess of hearth and the home, is known for her warmth and acceptance of others. We thought that because of this, she would be the perfect emblem of our initiative.
The "The Hestia Project" program was started by Olivia Wang and Sage Murthy, two high school students from Los Angeles, California. The goal of this program is to promote Advanced Building Information Modeling (BIM) technologies, which could help streamline the development process of low-income housing and/or shelter projects for homeless.
To learn a bit more about Olivia and Sage, see the Meet Us! section of our website.
Our Nonprofit's Research and Background
The Hestia Project is an organization that works to provide aid to homeless people in the local Los Angeles area. As native Californians, Olivia and Sage have been noticing the rise in homelessness in their surrounding area for years.
Through their research, they have learned about the Los Angeles government’s actions to help the homelessness crisis, such as Measure H and Proposition HHH. To read more, see our Research page.